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Team Dynamics Assessment™ (TDA™)

Welcome to our team dynamics assessment questionnaire! Unlock valuable insights into your team's dynamics by completing this questionnaire for free. As a bonus, enjoy instant graphical feedback on your results. Delve deeper with our comprehensive 21-page report, available for only £9.95 or the equivalent in your local currency.

Maximize the impact by encouraging your team members to participate as well. When multiple team members complete the questionnaire, you gain access to a consolidated report, perfectly formatted for presentations or Zoom meetings. The true value of the Team Dynamics Assessment lies in fostering constructive discussions among team members, shedding light on unconscious dynamics that may impact team performance. Start the conversation today and elevate your team's collaboration to new heights!

Please read each pair of statements and select the radio button nearest the one that is most true of the team. Answer all the questions. Spelling and punctuation are UK English.


The team have a long term strategy or vision
The team don't know where they are going in the long term
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The team take an uncompromising stance on certain issues
The team may have strong views, but they are willing to compromise
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When the team discuss problems they find a solution and then move on
When the team discuss issues they often get locked into an argument between different viewpoints
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The team compromise with each other too much, even before they have discussed their differences properly
The team compromise if necessary after they have discussed their disagreements
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The team usually act too quickly, without thinking things through
The team usually act in a timely manner
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When the team communicate, they articulate points clearly so there is no misunderstanding
There are frequent misunderstandings in the team due to poor communication
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When faced with an urgent problem, the team respond quickly and act in a timely manner
The team are slow to respond and often fail to take action quickly enough
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The ideas that the team come up with are far too radical, seemingly out of touch with current realities
When the team comes up with innovative ideas, they are also practical
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If the team examines their priorities they think that everything they do is important
The team put more effort into activities that are more important than others
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When there isn't enough information the team make reasonable working assumptions
The team won't make reasonable assumptions, wanting too much certainty
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The team are resistant to change
The team are open to change
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The team is well-organised
The organisation of the team is nonexistent, the way it works is chaotic
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Team discussions keep digressing, going off from one tangent to another
The team are focused and usually stick to the main point of discussion
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Team members will help each other when other team members are in difficulty
Team members are expected to resolve their own problems themselves
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The team insist on following exact procedures all the time, even when it is unnecessary
The team follow exact procedures when there is good reason to do so, but not all the time
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The team talk about their differences even though it might upset or offend
The team will ignore differences in order to be nice to each other
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The team are able to come up with imaginative ideas to solve difficult problems
The team is devoid of imaginative ideas
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For important decisions, the team think through the consequences of each option
The team don't do any logical analysis
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People outside the team are often alienated by the vehemence of the team's values/beliefs
The team are not overly zealous about their values
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Team members focus on their own individual work at the expense of teamwork and relationships
Team members balance their individual work with collective team responsibilities
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The team uses meeting agendas and project plans, and tends to stick to them
The team doesn't use agendas or plans even when they would be useful
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When the team starts a new initiative they quickly get bored and look for another initiative to start
The team usually finish one initiative before starting another one
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The team are willing to try new things to see if there might be an improvement
The team never try out new ideas, they always do things in the same way
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The team focus their time and attention on those things that are important
Even when the team recognise that one thing is particularly important, they still try to do everything else as well
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The team's long term vision is something that others can understand and relate to
The team's long term vision is so 'way out' that no one else can understand it
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The team sends out consistent messages, they are all 'singing from the same hymn sheet'
The team's messages are inconsistent, different team members say different things
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When faced with a short term problem, the team usually use the first solution they can find, not thinking about the impact on the long term
The team always try to find the right balance between short and long term needs
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The team find the right balance between planning and flexibility
The team's activities are planned and controlled too much, there is no flexibility to divert from team plans
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The team focus too much on their long term strategy, and fail to respond quickly enough to short term needs
The team resolve short term issues appropriately
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The team are open to ideas and opportunities that have hidden potential
The team are not interested in anything untried or untested
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The team is overly bureaucratic
The paperwork in the team is at a reasonable level
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The team are pursuing an unrealistic strategy or impractical ideas
The team's goals and ambitions are realistic
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When starting a new piece of work the team spend an appropriate amount of time thinking about the task before starting on it
When starting a new piece of work the team take action too quickly, often 'jumping the gun'
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The team are able to generate lots of imaginative ideas
The team doesn't like 'brainstorming', they have difficulty thinking of any ideas
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When necessary, the team analyse their options to produce the best collective decision
The team don't analyse their options
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Relationships in the team are good - in fact, they are more than colleagues, they are friends
Relationships between team members are nonexistent or poor, most people keep themselves to themselves
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The team can be trusted to communicate important messages well
The team often misunderstand each other and communicate badly both inside and outside the team
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When working on a new project the team are very enthusiastic at the start but lack the follow through to complete it themselves
When the team starts a project they work on it through to the end
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When they need to solve a problem, the team over-analyse things, causing 'paralysis by analysis'
The team usually arrive at agreed decisions without unnecessary argument.
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The team usually spend too much time talking or thinking, rather than getting on with urgent work
When required, the team takes action quickly
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The work of the team is well-coordinated, eg: all working to the same plan
The team is a shambles, no one knows what other team members are doing, and there is duplication of effort
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The team are prepared for their shared values and beliefs to be questioned or challenged
The team always believe that they are right and won't allow people outside the team to question their values
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The team are not able or willing to listen to a complex, logical analysis
The team can engage in complex analysis, including listening and asking questions
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Team members are too polite to each other, and avoid saying what they really think
Although the team treat each other with respect, it is not at the expense of straight talking when it is needed
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The team are always wanting too much information, too often or in too much detail
The team seek an appropriate amount of information, when it is relevant and needed
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The team focus their efforts primarily on those things that are important
When the team are busy, they still try to do everything that comes their way
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When the team meet they waste a lot of time in pointless logical arguments
They don't argue unless it is productive to do so
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The team is flexible in the use of rules and procedures
The team insist that rules and procedures must be followed to the letter
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The team is ineffective and performing poorly
The team is successful and performing well
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Please enter your name as you would like it to appear on your report:

When you submit this questionnaire, we store the results anonymously for research purposes. We will give you the chance to save your results for your future access if you wish.

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